RedKoto is a growing collection of currently 72 tunings by Koto Virtuoso Chieko Mori. Red Koto can be used for tuning the Instrument by ear, for studying scales, or for playing with the different tunings.
These are the tunings for her compositions and for learning Koto Music at "Koto Studio" in Tokyo.
The Score of each composition is available separately on demand.
Sounds are played both picked with the left hand and plucked with the right hand using ivory picks.
The middle of the screen represents the 13 strings of the Koto, each string plays a plucked sound at the corresponding pitch.
To the right of the string the note is shown, touching each note produces a picked sound.
The order of the tunings can be re-arranged by long-pressing on a tuning in the list.
Except where noted differently, tunings are based on a root note of 442 Hertz.